Hello Abroad

Hello Abroad

This Weblog is for Foreingers
Hello Abroad

Hello Abroad

This Weblog is for Foreingers

How much was the coin price that time?

One of my colleagues asked me what do you do when you are unemployed?
I told her: I will not be unemployed and we are in an area where no matter how we work, it is necessary to work and there is room for improvement.
In short, I am not unemployed, but I am still looking for a job. 20 years ago, when I was finishing my studies for an associate degree, we had a professor who was the head of IT of one of the largest private units in our country at the same time, and he was also our professor. Through one of the students, that is, my friend, we did an industrial project with him. My friend arranged a computer for us through the school where his father was a teacher. Another friend and I used to go to work on the project system. Beautiful and hot summer days and beautiful and cold winter days, every day from morning to 7 pm we come to work behind the system. With the new language of the C#.Net. Of those languages ​​under Windows if Microsoft says it has changed today, we say yes sir, it has changed, there is no problem, we will learn another language. Our same professor had hired two upper semester students, who said that programming language is not important at all; Algorithm is important. They were very educated and my professor once came in front of the university and held a big conference and said yes, I became an entrepreneur. These are two of the students who are doing projects with me and we are working together, and now I am an entrepreneur.
At that time, the entrepreneurship festival was popular. In short, our professor was a brand and he had bought all the CCTV cameras of this large private unit from Europe, and he had gone to a foreign country a couple of times, the name of which I do not remember now. Later, I saw that his family is also a rich family.
During the winter, my friend's father, who gave us the school computer, took his daughter to teach a class there at the same time. At that hour when his daughter was teaching, I was behind the system to see what this code would look like; The code would be deleted occasionally, today. The content would be deleted tomorrow. Today I will fix it, tomorrow I will buy a CD for it. At that time, CD was still rewritable and the flash memory was in the hands of few people. That other friend had brought his rewritable CD and everyone was doing whatever they could for themselves. And of course, I was the one who had to sit behind the system while working. If I didn't come to work one day, they couldn't and maybe they didn't want to work. I had presented a programming language model for work, which I had to follow myself. My friend's father, who brought her, had seen the work from my side. It was as if I was not a good employee for him. I remember they took me for a ride once and when I closed the door, he grumbled to my friend, why is she closing the door so tightly? This is a type of employer grumbling. The next time, I was working for someone else, her husband said the opposite, why is she closing the car door slowly!
We used to sit behind the system when we were teenagers and the only mode I could choose was when praying. What an option. Another time, when we were moving the desktop computer, his father said: What are you doing? Do you take off Apollo?!
It passed and summer came and we happily said that now we will hand over the project to the professor and get a grade. Once or twice, we took the project and showed it to the professor, and he raised the mouse, saying that he is not satisfied, and what is the situation, and so on. On the last day, he said: I will give the grade of your final project, but come and finish it here. I don't remember, I asked him if you are hiring or not, but what I remember from him is that he said that we have an honorary force, the wife and husband are flying from other cities on Sundays, and they work here.
If they honorary come by plane, they must get the money. After working for free for a year and you were not satisfied, I should have come to finish the job for whom?
Well, because I had the experience of my diploma and in the internship of my diploma, there was someone who explained the work to me, and we went to the system and he said: type this letter exactly with this character that I told you, type it here, type it there, why didn't you type it? Why didn't you put them on the left line? I was not employed and soon I left. I said both here and there that I don't work for anyone for free.1
In my mind, I was more expensive than these words. The diploma was more expensive, so I did it as a post-graduate diploma. I was more expensive as a graduate student and I wanted to make it a bachelor's degree. I was just going through my teenage years. As a teenager, there were thousands of hopes and windows in front of my eyes.
I didn't even go back for my bachelor's internship. Although I lived with memories of playing in the snow and things like that with passing friends, I wasn't happy that I was working for free and that no one appreciated me.
Every day, I used to pass by the center of the largest private company in the country and I would say: If I go to this IT center, will its boss, my professor, still be there? What does it matter?
My friend's father was friends with this boss, what did he do with us?
It has been until a day like today. A week ago, I had taken a job from a manager and it didn't fit his taste and I left. The following week, I got a job in a secretarial unit, and the girls of the seventies expected me to beg them more so that they would give me half the work, and I came out.
And today, the third week, they ask me to "go to the negotiation table for this one interview. Go see what happens in the interview, tell me the result. It's a pity, it means that we have an elite to live abroad."
 I myself have thought about going out many times, but it is very difficult to go out. Especially for someone whose two backs of her/his family are not there, or one back after her/his family is not there. Even there, they don't distribute Halva, in this war and conflict. Nice, you have to work hard, start from scratch

A thousand unforeseen events, for someone who is just starting out. For me, of course, zero has always been one point. I started, and finally I continued.
I looked at my phone and said myself I will send him a message now: I am coming for an interview. I copied the message because they had already given me the text to introduce myself with thank you and thanks in advance. I should have named that empty place.
Before I sent the greeting message, I went to talk to my mother about this. After all, it is true that she has seen all my efforts in these 20 years and I even told her the memories of my days as an associate several times. But then again today, when you described this memory, the air has a different color. Maybe that day you were describing summer. Today is autumn and winter. I told my memories and she said something interesting. She said: How much was the coin at that time?
I said it was very cheap, maybe 100 thousand Tomans. At that time, we did not know what inflation was. 20 years ago, early eighties. She said: You were going to buy a coin.
I saw that she was telling the truth, she said something new. All this time, everyone has been asking me to come and go to this work, come and go to that work. It's a pity, no one told me to go buy coins, it wants to go up.


1- ___________________

1- That day, that professor asked us to work for free, but at the same time he was getting all the CCTV cameras for the shrine from Europe. Today, when the Zionist regime took over the monitoring of the cameras with the "Nimbos" project and the cooperation of the technology giants, they are happy with the purchase of that day. That professor became rich, because today a student like us was supposed to have nothing to do with giants.

Raisi's role determined after the martyrdom

First, the martyred president was martyred. From that time, he was a servant for a while. Now he and his ilk have taken the role of guard servants. It is very clear and for two days, radio and television have been broadcasting his film everywhere.
The issue is that the Iranian Nursing Council had a meeting and invited everyone who could, and he stood behind the statue of a person, who I think is "Modarres". Sidi's black turban is stretched and instead of the weapon that Friday imams carry, he leans on a cane.
They couldn't say no one to stand up all the time. However, they left his statue, here!
Everyone, and every artist, understands what they mean by this. I will post one or three Photos from different angles so you can see for yourself what I mean:

Now, in the photo, the statue is the same as the real person. Something similar to Fatemi Nia, who recently died of cancer, and with Google's similarity search, he looks like to "Raisi" the before president of Iran. In this photo, the president's chair is empty and his statue is standing behind the corner!
Next photo:

Most of the suits who come behind the podium put a gold badge on the corner of their coat. This statue should be in all photos. The movie shows the statue better.
Even if you are not a Muslim, a Buddhist or a idolater, you will feel insulted by these produced photos.
Next photo:

The statue is so tired that it is as if he is leaning on the chair and this man is talking, finally he goes to sit down, but he does not sit down. Because it is a statue and not real.
In the movie it seems worse. There it becomes clearer what I mean. Since the Pezeshkian president came, we only see strange things from him. Trump has also come to make them complete. If they are right, they establish a computer engineering Council. They don't establish it, because we come to show them to each other?!

یحیی سنوار نویسنده

میدونستید سنوار بجز دیپلمات بودن نویسنده هم بوده؟ او نویسنده کتاب رمان «خار و میخک» (به عربی: الشوک و القرنفل) بوده. البته موقعیت مکانی این رمان محلی با شبکه های تو در توی مترو های زمینی و زیرزمینی و تقاطع ماشین های پر زرق و برق شهرهای بزرگ فعلی نبوده، بلکه مکان رمان محل زندگی یحیی در غرب سرزمین های اشغالی، غزه بوده؛ جایی که از سال ۲۰۰۵ به اردوگاه کار اجباری رژیم صهیونیستی تا زمان طوفان الاقصی تبدیل شده بود. مردم غزه با امکاناتی که یک شهر مدرن نداشت، باید به سختی تن به کار برای اسرائیلی ها میدادند تا از حداقل حقوق انسانی برخوردار شوند. 

جالبی این رمان تو این هست که اولین بار به زبان عبری نوشته شد. بعدا این کتاب به زبانهای دیگر مثل انگلیسی و عربی ترجمه شد.

یحیی سنوار ۷۲ ساعت قبل از شهادت هیچ چیز نخورده بود. اسرائیلی ها خانه او را به ویرانه تبدیل کرده بودند و خانه به خانه در جستجوی او افتاده بودند، تا اینکه سنوار در ۱۶ اکتبر ۲۰۲۴م/۲۵ مهر سال ۱۴۰۳ش در درگیری با ارتش اسرائیل در شهر رَفَح در جنوب نوار غَزّه به شهادت رسید. روحش شاد و یادش گرامی باد.


فایل پی دی اف کتاب بصورت رایگان در دسترسه، و اهدا به کسانی شده که قلبشان برای فلسطین و آزادی قدس می‌تپد.

فصل اول هم قشنگ شروع شده:

«زمستان سال 1967 سنگین بود، از رفتن امتناع می ورزید و با بهاری که با آفتاب گرم و درخشانش میخواست بدرخشد، مخالفت میکرد.

زمستان با ابرهایی که آسمان را پوشانده بود، آن را کنار زد و ناگهان باران از آسمان پائین شد. خانه های ساده در اردوگاه پناهندگان ساحل شهر غزه را سیلابهایی که از کوچه های کمپ میگذشتند به خانه ها هجوم می آوردند را غرق نمود.»

آخر فصل اول، وقتی اشغال فلسطین شروع میشه، از مردان بالای ۱۸ سال میخواهند که مدرسه بروند. مدرسه بروند که چیز یاد بگیرند؟!

نه نه نه، میروند که قتل عام بشوند. نمی رفتند هم خانه به خانه دنبالشون میکردند تا قتل عامشون کنند.

فصل دوم زندگی بدون پدر و عموی سنوار شروع میشه.

بقیه ش رو نمی‌ذارم. خودتون برین بخونید.

The PDF file of the book is available for free, and is donated to those whose hearts beat for Palestine and the freedom of Qods (Jerusalem).
The first season has started beautifully:
"The winter of 1967 was heavy, refusing to go away and opposing the spring that wanted to shine with its warm and bright sun.
Winter pushed it aside with the clouds that covered the sky and suddenly the rain came down from the sky. The simple houses in the refugee camp on the coast of Gaza City were drowned by the floods that rushed into the houses through the camp's alleys.
At the end of the first season, when the occupation of Palestine begins, men over the age of 18 are asked to go to school. Do they go to school to learn something?!
No, no, no, they are going to be massacred. They did not go, they followed them from house to house to massacre them.
The second chapter of Sanvar's life begins without his father and uncle.
I will not leave the rest. Go read it yourself.

بعد اضافه کرد ۲: نمی‌دونستم این مطلب مصادف با چهلمین روز شهادت سید حسن نصرالله داره نوشته میشه. نصرالله مدافع حرم و حقوق ضایع شده مردمی بود که سال‌ها در جستجوی عزت ازدست رفته توسط نیروهای اشغالگر صهیونیستی بودند.

انتهای فصل ۳ به نامگذاری دوباره اردوگاه جبالیا توسط مردم میرسه. از میان آوارگان فلسطینی نیروهای مقاومت شکل میگیره و مانع از ورود نیروهای اشغالگر ارتش رژیم صهیونسیتی میشوند. همین رو آنها بزرگ میدارند و اسم اردوگاه جبالیا رو میگذارند اردوگاه انقلاب.

 اردوگاه جبالیا در نوار غزه بزرگترین اردوگاه آوارگان فلسطینی در سال ۱۹۴۸ در نوار غزه تشکیل شد. این اردوگاه از آن زمان تا کنون، هنوز هم با همین نام شناخته میشود و متشکل از جمعیت روستایی پناه گرفته در یک نقطه از سراسر مناطق روستایی فلسطین اشغالی هست.

The new strain of corona that they don't say anything about

There is a new strain of coronavirus that has been circulating among us for a month to a week. This new viral strain is an asymptomatic acute respiratory infection; That is, it is not accompanied by a runny nose, cough or sneezing like a cold or flu, but involves the internal parts of the body, including the kidneys, liver and stomach. Intermittent intermittent fever may be one of its symptoms; That is, the patient thinks that he/she is on the way to recovery, and suddenly with a little tension, such as facing air pollution or eating fast food, the symptoms of the disease may recur. One of the symptoms that distinguish it from other strains is vomiting with diarrhea. This new strain leads to abnormal contractions in the digestive tract and causes the affected person to vomit if the immune system is weak. If the disease becomes acute, anorexia and lack of recognition of tastes are its next symptoms.
Due to the increase in air pollution, there is a possibility of the rise of this strain and the increase of deaths. The media did not give a serious warning about this and only said that it is enough to vaccinate. Where and how much vaccine dose we have, is a word that has not been said and only the approach of the media so far has been theatrical and promotional.

و بورس هر چی در آورده بودن را خورد

برام پست این ریاضی دانه جالبه. آدم وبلاگش رو که میخونه احساس می‌کنه مسأله ریاضی حل کرده و الان فاصله مون تا خدا رو هم حساب می‌کنه. حالا کلا تو کل وبلاگش چیزی بجز تدریس خصوصی بیشتر نزده ها، ولی تاریخ هایش جالبن.

یکی سال مهمه و دیگری ماه‌. سال های ۹۲ و ۹۳ که از دانشگاه فارغ التحصیل شده و باید ثمره اینهمه انزوا و ریاضت رو میدیده تازه فهمیده هیچ جایی برایش کار نیست. سالها بود هم خبری از بیمه بیکاری فارغ‌التحصیلان دانشگاهی نبود. قبل از آن هم در طول دوران دانشجویی اگر ممتاز شده بود، فوقش بهش یک روز ماکارونی با سویا رایگان داده بودند. همین فقط یک روز ماکارونی رایگان شدنه پس انداز که نمیشده براش.

گذران زندگیش بد نبوده تا دی ۹۷. 

سال ۹۷ سالی هست که یک دور بانکها پول مردم رو خوردند. آخر سال ۹۶ از طرف بانک مرکزی ایران و به نیابت از مردم ده ها تن طلا به ده نفر دلال فروختند و اوضاع کشور را به وخامت بردند. این اتفاقات رابطه عجیبی با روی کار آمدن ترامپ داشت. ترامپ رو دولت اقتصادی آمریکا میدانستند. او سال 96 طمع خود از خروج از برجام را نشان داد و طولی نکشید که یک باره بانک مرکزی کلی طلا بین فقط ده نفر حراج کرد. آستانه تحمل و عکس العمل مردم و خصوصا فارغ التحصیلان دانشگاهی در دی ۹۷ دیده میشه.

بعد دیگه خیلی مرتبط با تاریخ گذاری های سیاسی آمریکا این فارغ التحصیله اوضاعش بد میشه:

آبان ۹۸، شهریور ۹۹، اسفند ۱۴۰۰، آبان ۱۴۰۱، اسفند ۱۴۰۲ و آبان ۱۴۰۳

از رو این تاریخ ها خیلی چیزها میشه فهمید: یک اینکه ایران زندگی می‌کرده

دو اینکه این تاریخ ها متناسب با تغییرات بورس ایران به سمت منفی شدن و ضرر دهی هست. سه اینکه ماه ها تاریخ های بخصوصی از نظر آمریکاست:

ماه آبان انتخابات ریاست جمهوری آمریکاست. اسفند ها چند روز بعد از ۲۲ بهمن و پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی ایران هست. جریان ضرر دهی صنعت ما درست خود ۲۲ بهمن خودش رو نشون میده و ما یک آستانه تحملی داریم که چیزی نمی‌کشه تا اسفند نمود پیدا می‌کنه.

آبان 98 رو میشه پیش شورش سال 1401 در نظر گرفت. از اون موقع تا حالا با رهبری VOA التهاب گرانی بنزین خودروسواران را برداشته. آشوب شد و یک چند تا شیشه بانک ها شکست و یک دور دیگه فقیرتر شدیم.

شهریور ۹۹ یکی دو ماه قبل از انتخابات ریاست جمهوری آمریکا، مصادف با یکی از تاریخ های خاص صهیونیستی هست که در آن ماجرای ۱۱ سپتامبر آمریکا و ۱۷ شهریور انقلاب اسلامی ایران رو داریم. ۱۷ شهریور پهلوی دست نشانده آمریکا کلی ایرانی تو خیابان ها شهید کرد. ۱۱ سپتامبر که باز هم شهریور ما میشه ماجرای فرو ریختن برجهای تجاری دوقلو آمریکا رو داره. همون موقع کلینتون، رئیس جمهوری وقت آمریکا اعلام جنگ به افغانستان کرد و جنگ بیست ساله خودش رو اونجا آغاز کرد. 

سال ۹۹ برای ما دوباره خورده شدن پول ملت در بورس هست. همون سال هم انتخابات ریاست جمهوری آمریکا بوده و امید بوده به نفع صهیونیست ها ورق برگرده.

یک چیز جالب که داریم اینه که این بانک و بورس هر کدومشون تا حالا چند بار مردم رو تلکه کرده اند. مثلا در جریان کرونا که اوجش سال های ۹۹ و ۱۴۰۰ بود برخی خوش دستی کرده و یک کسب و کار موقت متناسب با اوضاع کرونایی درست کردند، اما با تمام شدن قرنطینه های کرونا و واکسن سراسری آن شغل هم به خودی خود از بین رفت و ملت پولشون رو کجا گذاشتن؟ تو بورس

بورس هم بعدش تا تونست منفی زد و هر چی درآورده بودن رو خورد

سال 1401 جنگ داخلی ایران با اسم رمز ژینا (مهسا امینی) شروع شد. قرار بود انقلاب رنگی صورت بگیره که یک چند نفری جان فدا شدن و این اتفاق نیوفتاد.

این نظر آمریکا چقدر در اقتصاد ایران مهمه!

سال 1403 یک ساله شدن جنگ اسرائیل با غزه است. اسرائیل به امید اینکه ترامپ روی کار بیاید برگ های برنده خودش رو کرده و یک چند تا موشک به ایران زده، در حال تخریب لبنانه و یک چند تا از رهبران حماس رو شهید کرده.

بعدا اضافه کرد: حالا که حرف به ماجرای اغتشاشگران و قرار انقلاب رنگی آن ها رسید، جا داره از کسانی که بیگناه در این جریانات شهید شدن، یاد کنم. آرمان الله وردی در روز 4 آبان 1401 به جرم بسیجی بودن و طلبه بودن شکنجه شد و در روز 6 آبان به شهادت رسید. تعدادی هم از پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی هم در روزهای 13 و 14 دی 1401 به دست اغتشاشگران شهید شدند. روش اغتشاشگران همان روشی است که گفته میشه ما رو به انقلاب اسلامی رسوند. دشمنان انقلاب دقیقا از هرچه ما به عنوان تاریخ نوشتیم استفاده کرده و همون اون رو با هدف رسیدن به هوا و هوس خود مثل دیو وارونه کاری معکوس تکرار کردند. مثلا اگر ما میگفتیم چهلم میگرفتیم و چهلم میگرفتیم، اینها هم با رمز ژینا چله میگیرند و همینطور گزافه گویی ها و بازی های خودشون رو ادامه میدن.

من چند وقت پیش نوشتم که حقوق قضات در دولت جزو کمترین هاست. چند روز بعد یکی که حرف 5 سال VOA رو تکرار میکرد اومد باهام به بحث کردن که نه، من نوکر قاضی بودم که تو شیر میخوابید! چند نفر شدند و گفتن تو میگی قاضی گداست و ما میگیم که نه، قاضی گدا نیست! چند وقت قبل خود من به یکی رسیدم که باید بهش میگفتم چرا من باید تو حاشیه باشم؟!

اون چی جوابم داد؟ خب، حرف نزن که در حاشیه قرار نگیری! حالا من منظورم ترجمه Marginalize انگلیسی بود و طرف برداشت خودش رو میکرد. حالا من بگم آرمان الله وردی طلبه بود، چی جواب میدن؟

نه، آخوند دیدم که قصری از طلا داشت.

طلبه چی داره از خودش؟ یک بن کتاب به ارزش یک میلیون تومان بهش میدن، و مثل کارمندان دانشگاه ها یک سهمیه گوشت داره. اغلب هم ازدواج کرده اند و خرج زن و بچه میدن.

اون وقت باید یکی تو پولدارترین محلات تهران، یعنی اکباتان بره چوب یک مشت دوست و رفیق هم محله ای سلبریتی خودش رو بخوره که چمیدونم چی چی میگن.

نه، آره. شما درست میگین. اصلا هرچی VOAمیگه، درست میگه. قراره که قاضی و قاضی زاده Marginalize بشه و طلبه هم زیر ضرب و شتم کشته بشه تا شماها با کمک Voice of America به هدف انقلاب رنگی و پول و پله برسید.